Summary Report

Disrict wise Summary Report For Alive Case

S.No. District Net Registered Application Is On Hold Pending At Primary Checkup Pending At Radiographer Pending At Radiologist Pending At MO (Approval) Pending At MO For Reject Pending At Medical Board Symptoms Not Found At Primary Chechup Application Rejected at MO After X-Ray Diagnosis Number of Certified Cases Net Disbursed

Disrict wise Summary Report For Death Case

S.No. Name Of District Death Case Received on New Portal Pending For Verification at Nodal Officer Rejected By Nodal Pending for Approval at DSAP Sent Back to Nodal to Clear the Objection Raised by DSAP Pending For Sanction Generation Sanction Generated Bill Generated Payment Confirmed

Silicosis Death Cases District Wise Summary Report (Through Auto Registration)

S.No. District Total Number Of Death Cases Last Month Death Cases Pending At Sanction Generation Sanction Generated Bill Generated Payment Done